Dynamic Process Analysis


  1. Define a dynamic process.  Which dynamic business process will you focus on?  (Emily) 

A dynamic process is a process that is constantly evolving and progressing. For our project, we will be focusing on Jersey Mike’s marketing process. Jersey mikes all over. They spent under $100 million on advertising in the last year. For example, Jersey Mikes is currently promoting their month of giving with commercials featuring Danny Devito. When customers see celebrities go to Jersey Mikes they will want to go too. 

  1. Which social media information system (SMIS) supports the process?  (George)

Jersey Mike’s Instagram supports the marketing process by promoting new sales that are going on in their stores and their website. They also have posts with Danny Devito marketing their sandwiches. 

  1. Did your firm develop a social media plan in Fig 9-9 to create an effective SMIS?  What metrics do they use?  Who is the target audience? What value do they provide their audience? Do they use tools like Google Analytics or Facebook Page Insights? (Nicole Gomez)

This business has developed an effective SMIS and begun by having a presence on multiple social media platforms. You can find Jersey Mikes on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tiktok. When going over their social media account on Instagram, their target audience seems to depend on the time of year. For the most part, one can see a lot of posts having to do with college sports and in the summer time a lot of referencing to the beach which is where Jersey Mikes’ first started. Right now it seems that they are expanding to other states and opening new stores, so their focus right now is on those new customers. Jersey Mike’s provides value to their customers by letting them know about special deals they can get with their points system as well as taking part in sweepstakes that happen through their social media accounts. In order to keep track of who is engaging with their account, Jersey Mikes would use the analytics feature in order to have information on their audience and what they could do to draw more customers especially in the new stores they are about to launch. 

  1. What is social capital and what is its value?  (Nicole Gomez) 

Social capital has to do with a firm’s investment of resources for future profit. This would include physical, human, and social capital. Each category provides something beneficial for the company at some point in the future. In this case social capital is focused on the social relations and expectations of marketplace returns. Its value refers to the number of connections this particular business has and how strong those relationships really are. Jersey Mikes’ Instagram account has 162K followers. Assuming the people engage twice a week and spend about 26 a week the social capital value would be 162,000 x 2 x 26= 8,424,000.

  1. What is an Enterprise Social Network?  What is Enterprise 2.0 and to what does SLATES refer? Does your company use any of these approaches?  (George) 

  • An Enterprise Social Network or ESN is a software platform that uses SM to facilitate the cooperative work of people within an organization. Enterprise 2.0 is the use of emergent social software platforms within companies or between companies, partners, or customers. SLATES is a model that refers to Search, Links, Authoring, Tags, Extensions, and Signal. Jersey Mike's uses Tags and Signals on their Instagram. 

  1. How does your company address SMIS security concerns?  Do they have a social media policy for employees?  How do they manage inappropriate content and unfavorable reviews? (Sebastian)

  • Jersey Mike’s company addressed SMIS security concerns by issuing $500 million of whole business securities which have been supported by franchise and development agreements. Jersey Mike's social media policy for employees according to the handbook states “You are not permitted to post to any social media site while clocked in or while in Jersey Mike's uniform or other Jersey Mike's logoed attire.” Jersey Mike franchise owners handle unfavorable reviews in a timely manner and professional manner. An example of this can be seen below:
